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(More customer reviews)The beauty of this one [with its CD] and let me quote from the section entitled "About This Edition" on page 7, "The object of this edition has been to supply a completely reliable text that clearly reflects Liszt's original indications, yet which gives the less experienced performer careful and relatively complete directions for execution." That about says it all in the 21 selected piano works of Franz Liszt where even Liszt's recommended fingerings are rendered together with those of the editor.
So too, and in passing, there was only one available from Amazon vendor Sam Ash company and while the shipping was a bit more and I did have to pay tax since the company is located in my own state, it was well worth the extra few dollars since I received it on a Saturday via FedEx expedited delivery and the packing was excellent which I generally fret about when there are attached CD's or DVD's or in this particular case a single CD containing all 21 pieces . Each piece has a separate albeit succinct write-up and in some cases a reproduction of Liszt's original autograph of the piece is available for review including the 'why' or motivation for the piece itself.
What's that? That's easy! Page 28, to wit, "Liebeslied: Widmung" which ironically [but understandably] is listed as the "easier version" which in reality only differentiates the piece from the "more difficult concert version" [sic]. I personally find the "easier version" quite enough of a challenge to do both correctly and even as the notation for the "easier version" says, "Liszt's consistent alignment of the notes in the opposite manuscript [on the facing page] indicates clearly how the two-against-three rhythms should be played" but I like the rest of that sentence where it goes on to say, " ... this accommodation has much to recommend, although a final decision must be left to the performer."
96 pages in all and part of the Alfred "Masterwork Edition" edited by Joseph Banowetz. Sort of a grace-note here but I've often received the tongue-in-cheek remark [via my reviews where Dr. Alan Walker is involved and his many tomes on Liszt] as being an ad hoc 'PR man' for Doc Walker but, hey, Dr. Walker doesn't need any 'additional' hurrahs from me so let the editor of this present work speak in his section on "Suggestions for Further Reading" and lo and behold, there is the name, inter alia, Alan Walker! And the present editor says, "It would be difficult to over-praise Walker's magnificent three volume biography of Liszt. This set is absolutely essential for all those interested in Liszt as both the man and the artist. Walker has researched what will undoubtedly remain the definitive study of Liszt for generations of musicians." [sic].
My sentiments exactly! And not to mention in addition to the 3 volumes, the 2005 "Reflections on Liszt" with what I term the 'capstone' of the Liszt biographical trilogy and the book editing on the quite revealing Lina Schmalhausen and Carl Lachmund diaries and various others edited and annotated by Dr. Walker. As I said in other reviews dealing with Franz Liszt and Dr. Walker's input, the 'consensus', world version, of view as to his research output and/or editing [with assessments therein] excellence. Kudos likewise to the editor Joseph Banowetz for the present work!
Doc Tony
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Alfred Music Publishing is the world's largest educational music publisher. Alfred produces educational, reference pop and performance materials for teachers students professionals and hobbyists spanning every musical instrument style and difficulty level. Internationally renowned concert pianist Joseph Banowetz presents this definitive collection of original masterworks by Franz Liszt featuring a comprehensive preface composer biography vintage photographs and detailed performance notes on the solos. The companion CD features Joseph Banowetz performing Liszts most cherished piano repertoire: Ehemals from Weihnachtsbaum S. 186/10 * +tude Op. 6 No. 7; S. 136/7 * Ich liebe dich S. 542a (posth) * Liebeslied: Widmung (easier version) S. 566 (posth.) (Robert Schumann trans. by Liszt) * LiebestrSume: 3 notturnos S. 541 * No. 2: Gestorben war ich (first version) * No. 3: O lieb o lieb so lang du lieben kannst * Piano Piece in A-flat Major S. 189a (posth.) * Marche de Rßk=czyû+dition populaire S. 244/15 * Resignazione S.187a (posth.) * Romance S. 169 (posth.) * Romance oubliTe S. 527 * Ruhig S. 167a (posth.) * Scherzo S. 153 (posth.) * Six Consolations S. 172 * No. 1 in E Major * No. 2 in E Major * No. 3 in D-flat Major * No. 4 in D-flat Major * No. 5 in E Major * No. 6 in E Major * StSndchen S. 560/7 (Franz Schubert trans. by Liszt) * Valse oubliTe No. 1 S. 215/1 Joseph Banowetz graduated with a First Prize from the Vienna Akademie fnr Musik und darstellende Kunst. Banowetz has been a piano recitalist and orchestral soloist on five continents. He was awarded the Liszt Medal by the Hungarian Liszt Society in recognition of his outstanding performances of Liszt and the Romantic literature.
Click here for more information about Alfred 00-26191 21 Selected Piano Works
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